The multiple reusable poncho is a great reminder of your run.You will get the warming poncho after crossing the finish line.Please note that your choice cannot be changed once the registration is completed. Because of limited availability, the selection cannot be guaranteed for the entire registration period, so if you register late, you may only be offered one product. While stocks last, you will have a choice of poncho or clothing bag when you register. GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON Event Collection.You can already look forward to many spectacular pictures of your sporting highlight of the year, which you can share with the whole world! Secure now your personal photo flat with all your photos, a 1-minute video and additional impressions of the event. At various spots along the entire course, Sportograf will take pictures of you and make this special day unforgettable for you. Watch out! Sportograf will be at the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON in 2024 to capture your running story. Pre-order and have your your personal finisher time engraved in your medal on site. Attach your bib number with the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON - bibbits and get running. You will receive an email approximately 10 days prior to the event with further information on how to reserve your preferred time slot for the massage. Pick-up your race material and enjoy a 20 min massage at the HALF MARATHON EXPO.